
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A Democrat's Recipe for Success

"As President Bush argued for Social Security reform during his State of the Union address, many of the Democrats crowded into the Capitol booed or hissed or, at best, sat silently. All except for the man sitting near the back, the tall rangy guy with the tanned face and white hair.

That was Rep. Allen Boyd, Florida Democrat. Allen Boyd clapped."

President Bush won the 2nd FL District by 20 percentage points in November. But Rep. Allen Boyd (D-FL) beat his Republican opponent by 20 points.

"Boyd attributes his success to the strong personal relationships he has developed over the years, as well as to an independent voting record that provides armor against the usual Republican attacks that Democrats are soft on spending, guns and God."

Just when I thought the Democratic party was as good as dead, someone with actual ideas comes along...