
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Jailed Terrorists Plotted From Prison

Thanks to Little Green Footballs for this story. The men convicted for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and sent to highly secure federal prisons, including Supermax in Colorado, were able to continue their terrorist activities by sending and receiving letters to fellow terrorists.

According to confidential Spanish court documents obtained by NBC, at least 14 letters went back and forth between the World Trade Center bombers and a Spanish terror cell.

In February 2003, bomber Mohammed Salameh writes: "Oh God! Make us live with happiness, make us die as martyrs, may we be united on the Day of Judgment." The recipient, Mohamed Achraf, later allegedly led a plot to blow up the National Justice Building in Madrid and is awaiting trial.

In July 2002, a letter Salameh sent from prison is published in the Al-Quds newspaper, proclaiming "Osama Bin Laden is my hero of this generation."

"He was exhorting acts of terrorism and helping recruit would-be terrorists for the jihad," says McCarthy, "from inside an American prison."