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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Inside Bubba's White House

"The Survivor: Bill Clinton in the White House" seems to contain some interesting pieces of information.

One is the publicly cool Clinton's first conversation with Vice President Al Gore after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke.

"This is a f-----g coup d'etat!" Harris quotes Clinton as bellowing about his enemies in the Republican Party.

Another was in 2000 when Clinton ordered aides to release a bogus number after his annual Navy physical - to make him 5 pounds lighter, Harris writes.

Harris also writes that Tipper Gore was disgusted with both Bill and Hil. Rather than attend a major Democratic fund-raiser with the Clintons, she holed up in her hotel room.

"I'm not going out there with that man," Harris quotes her as saying.

In other words, the book portrays the former White House occupants as vain, power-grabbing, emotional hotheads. That sounds about right, even if the title implies something of an underdog story.

One more point: everyone seems to focus on John Bolton's temper and demeanor as a reason for his "unfitness to the UN," yet for Bill Clinton, no one utters a word.