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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Giddy Media Over Rove

Hear the sound of little boys and girls giggling and jumping up and down? That's the media talking about the Karl Rove-Valerie Plame story. Another one on the front page of the NY Times today.

The whole thing is pretty ludicrous. First, as Wizbang points out, no one said a word about a complete fraudulent report from Joe Wilson to Niger because he was more intent on hurting Bush over Iraq than actually getting real intelligence. It took several months for the media to come out with the fact that his entire trip was a fraud. (Even then most media outlets simply ignored this part of the story.)

Second, the NY Times and liberals are up in arms that the White House aren't commenting on the story. Hello?! This is a federal investigation!! You are never supposed to comment on an investigation until it is complete, so for the media to criticize Rove and the White House for not talking shows how stupid journalists can be...

Captain's Quarters has a good summary of the Plame affair.

Rush Limbaugh reminded his listeners today that if the NY Times really wanted this to be fully investigated, they would release their source. Obviously, they do not want their source to be known - which is why I'm certain it's not Rove.