
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Friday, July 01, 2005

When Racism Is Not Racism

When racist comments are uttered by a black person about a white person, it isn't really racism. (Hat tip: Ace of Spades.)

Rep. Thomas Yewcic, who is white, said people shouldn't be ashamed to support the American flag. "If any ethnic group wants to fly ... a flag, and they're embarrassed to fly an American flag, they should go back to their ethnic origins and fly it there," he said.

In response, Rep. John Myers accused Yewcic of espousing "a belligerent, racist doctrine."

"I think that those type of remarks would come from a cracker," Myers said, using a derogatory term for a poor, white person.

I wonder if this story might have received a little more press if a white person called a black person a .... oh, never mind. We already know what would have happened.