
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Goss' Bad Press = Good News

According to the MSM, Porter Goss' changes at the CIA are causing quite a stir. After decades of bureaucracy, ineptitude and often highly partisan politics (does Valerie Plame ring a bell?), Porter Goss is starting to make waves.

To some, the intelligence agency's future looks bleak under the leadership of Director Porter Goss. Fights between top CIA managers and Goss' inner circle are spilling into public view. Veterans are retiring early. Report after report is critical of the CIA's performance.

This is great news. The CIA has become so partisan lately that classified information that could potentially make President Bush look bad somehow appears on the front page of the NY Times. Husbands are sent to Niger to sip green tea and lie about yellow cake sought by Iraq. Officers head to the press to make their case rather than to the President or the CIA head.

Porter Goss is starting to change the culture at the CIA and the media and many Democrats are not going to take it lying down. The more criticism we hear about Goss and the CIA in the coming weeks and months, the better - it means he is actually making some long needed changes.