
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Why Tony Blair is a Great Leader

Captain's Quarters blog has the low down on Bush's speech yesterday at Kansas State University, where Bush offered Tony Blair an 'out' from the Iraq War to save his government. According to the Telegraph:

"He [Blair] was worried about his Government and so was I, and I told him one time, 'I don't want your Government to fall, and if you're worried about it just go ahead and pull out of the coalition so you save your Government'," said Mr Bush.

"And he said to me, 'I have made my commitment on behalf of the great country of Britain and I'm not changing my mind'.

"He said, 'I'm not interested in politics, what I'm interested in is doing the right thing.'

I think that's why Bush and Blair get along so well.