
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Christians Freed in Iraq - Ungrateful Activist Blames Bush

Today, three kidnapped Christians were rescued from terrorists by a US-led raiding campaign. This follows the recent murder of kidnapped American Tom Fox, from the same group. The four Christians were in Iraq as part of a group called Christian Peacemaker Teams. Most in the world are very grateful for the release of these innocent people.

However, the head of Christian Peacemaker Teams, Doug Pritchard, has a different take on the situation, saying,

"the US led invasion of Iraq is to blame for the kidnapping."

Some might consider this ungrateful, especially since US forces actually freed the captives. Anyway, if you look at this group's website, it all makes sense. Upon further analysis of this group, it looks like this group of peacemakers are actually left-wing activists, and tend to support many anti-American causes. In the past, the group has supported illegal Mexican immigration into the US, as well as opposing the US's use of Vieques as a defense training ground in Puerto Rico, while the US continues to protect the island. They've also protested against US soliders at Fort Benning.

The group also takes a stand against house raids in Iraq, the same kind which helped free their terrorized members. Maybe next time, we should leave it to the Christian Peacemaker Teams to free their own activists.

If you have a message for this group of activists, or their ungrateful leader, you can send a message to them at: