
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Violent Deaths Decreasing in Iraq

It seems that every news outlet spends its time explaining how there is now universality of opinion that violence in Iraq is getting worse by the day. They must not have read this USA Today article that shows violent deaths in Iraq were down by approximately 70% in August from July. Powerline has more here.

Unfortunately for the GOP, even if the situation in Iraq does improve dramatically before the November elections, the media likely won't report it. I'm afraid we could see another situation like President Bush 41 in 1992, where the economic recession was well over by the election, but because of the lack of positive news coverage, the public had no idea we were doing so well. Only after the '92 elections did the media start reporting any of the positive news coverage. And by then it was too late to save Bush.