
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Monday, December 11, 2006

Farewell, Kofi - Mr. Corruption

As part of his farewell speech today, Kofi Annan plans to show his true anti-American colors as he blasts the U.S. So it is that the most corrupt, wasteful, derelict UN Secretary General in its history will leave office. Hopefully he takes the rest of his UN team with him.

Just to recap a few of his rare accomplishments:

1) Oversaw $10B+ Oil for Food Scandal
2) Helped career of corrupt son Kojo by getting Oil for Food Contracts
3) Allowed UN officials to use Africa as their personal whorehouse
4) Allowed genocide to take place in the Sudan
5) Allowed genocide to take place in Rwanda (though in fairness, this was before he was SecGen)
6) Replaced a corrupt, useless Human Rights Commission with a corrupt, useless Human Rights Council
7) Is overseeing a $1B+ refurbishment that, acccording to Donald Trump, could be done at 1/3 the price
8) Could do absolutely nothing on North Korea or Iran
9) Did his best to protect Saddam Hussein after ignoring 17 UN resolutions

That's just about as bad as a career can get...