
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Remember John McCain in Davos?

John McCain wants everyone to know he has a reputation for "straight talk." The first thing that come to my mind is his straight talk vote against Bush's tax cuts, not once but twice. Although John is slinging the mud these days on flip flopping, isn't McCain the man who now has now voted against the tax cuts (twice) before voting for them (as he now says)?

Courtesy of Instapundit, but reported originally by National Review in Davos in 2005 shows another side of John McCain that I'm sure he's not eager to bring up:

1. First McCain criticizes the Bush administration for going into Iraq when there were no WMD's, he says.
2. Then McCain criticizes the Bush administration's use of Gitmo. On foreign soil, McCain say, "try em or release em...even Eichmann got a trial." Sure, anti-Americanism plays well to a European crowd and maybe he just wanted to be Mr. Popular for a moment. But this was a cheap shot.

Even Eichmann got a trial? C'mon John. Do us all a favor, and jump into the right party. Shouldn't you be up on stage with Hillary and Obama?