
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Monday, January 21, 2008

WaPo: Limbaugh No Longer Holds Sway; McCain Overcomes

The Washington Post had a funny article about how John McCain has overcome "power brokers" such as Rush Limbaugh, who once "held sway over the Republican rank and file." WaPo also notes the following:

His win Saturday underscored how different McCain's campaign has been this year compared with eight years ago, when a similar conservative assault effectively ended his campaign here and handed his party's presidential nomination to George W. Bush.

The Post's view is nonsensical - McCain has done even worse today among conservatives than in 2000, which is why he has Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham desperately trying to win independents and moderates.

Second, as Huckabee and McCain both know well, conservative talk show hosts such as Limbaugh are pretty good indicators of conservative thinking across the country. While Limbaugh cares about Conservatism, he couldn't care less about "Republican" victories and that's why he has some 25 million listeners. People listen to him for his principled conservatism and not for partisan Republicanism by itself.

Radio Equalizer has more about the MSM's belief that "talk radio" has been de-fanged.