
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dems Want to Indict Limbaugh

Ohio Democrats are investigating "criminal behavior" in the recent primaries, instigated by comments from Rush Limbaugh and his Operation Chaos. Limbaugh simply suggested Republicans vote for Hillary in an effort to keep the feud between her and Obama going.

Just a few problems:
1) Obama and Hillary were also trying to persuade Republicans to cross over and vote for them.
2) Democrats have done the same exact thing in Republican primaries. (Why do you think we have McCain?)
3) There is absolutely nothing illegal about voting for someone from another party.
4) Dems claim rely on an "oath" that they expect voters to adhere to: namely, upholding "Democratic values." This is plain silly - and regardless - all three candidates could fall into that category.