The Many Problems With Obama
By now, everyone has either seen or read his famous speech. Liberals may try to compare this to JFK's famous speech on his Catholicism. Umm - I've read Kennedy's speech, and Barack, you are no JFK!
What's wrong with his speech:
1. First, he lied. He was on Fox News Friday and said he never heard Wright use those imflammatory anti-American remarks while he was there. In his speech, he does a 180. I wonder why?
2. He tries to justify Wright's anti-American, anti-caucasion, anti-Jewish remarks. Kennedy never apologized for being a Catholic and Barack doesn't need to apolgize for his church. But there is a clear line between right and wrong and Obama needs to know this, however much he admires this very hate-filled pastor in his church.
3. Comparing his old white grandmother with Wright. The imagery that comes to mind is an old white woman in a dark alley, afraid of black youths (Barack doesn't use these words, but this is an image that comes to my mind in Barack's example). This cannot be analogous with Wright. I suppose only Barack may know how racist his own family is, but I believe most people will be pretty offended by this ridiculous comparison.
4. We're all victims! Blacks are victims because of slavery. Middle class whites are victims because of corporate America's evils. Sounds like Obama has this victimhood agenda which we're now beginning to learn about. It's hard for me to believe anyone would vote for a person who thinks we're all victims - what a mentality! Even for democrats, it's hard to believe they would subscribe to such a mentality.
Obama's speech did not need to be about race. It did need to explain why one of his best and most influential friends (by his own words) absolutely hates the USA. After all, Obama was drawn to church by this man, and after all, he does want to be President of the USA. Rather than doing this, he seemed to justify his racist, anti-American friend. Maybe this is the best way to win the presidency in a democrat's eyes. But I believe most people, even democrats must be pretty offended with Obama's justification of his friend.
What's wrong with his speech:
1. First, he lied. He was on Fox News Friday and said he never heard Wright use those imflammatory anti-American remarks while he was there. In his speech, he does a 180. I wonder why?
2. He tries to justify Wright's anti-American, anti-caucasion, anti-Jewish remarks. Kennedy never apologized for being a Catholic and Barack doesn't need to apolgize for his church. But there is a clear line between right and wrong and Obama needs to know this, however much he admires this very hate-filled pastor in his church.
3. Comparing his old white grandmother with Wright. The imagery that comes to mind is an old white woman in a dark alley, afraid of black youths (Barack doesn't use these words, but this is an image that comes to my mind in Barack's example). This cannot be analogous with Wright. I suppose only Barack may know how racist his own family is, but I believe most people will be pretty offended by this ridiculous comparison.
4. We're all victims! Blacks are victims because of slavery. Middle class whites are victims because of corporate America's evils. Sounds like Obama has this victimhood agenda which we're now beginning to learn about. It's hard for me to believe anyone would vote for a person who thinks we're all victims - what a mentality! Even for democrats, it's hard to believe they would subscribe to such a mentality.
Obama's speech did not need to be about race. It did need to explain why one of his best and most influential friends (by his own words) absolutely hates the USA. After all, Obama was drawn to church by this man, and after all, he does want to be President of the USA. Rather than doing this, he seemed to justify his racist, anti-American friend. Maybe this is the best way to win the presidency in a democrat's eyes. But I believe most people, even democrats must be pretty offended with Obama's justification of his friend.