
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Saturday, April 12, 2008

CNN's Defense of Obama

Obama's latest Pennsylvania word flubs were defended on CNN, where Jack Cafferty issued the following bizarre statement:

The people are frustrated. The people have no economic opportunity. What happens to folks like that in the Middle East, you ask? Well, take a look. They go to places like al Qaeda training camps.

So there you have it - it's Bush's fault that all these Heartland hicks are losing their jobs and they are going to become terrorists.

Gingrich responds:

This is the closest Senator Obama has come to openly sharing his wife’s view that “America is a mean country”. Not since Governor Dukakis have we seen anyone so out of touch with normal Americans. It makes perfect sense that it was in a fundraiser in San Francisco that he would have shared the views he has so carefully kept hidden for the entire campaign.