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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Angriest Potential First Lady

Yuval Levin has a good summary of Michelle Obama's stump speech in North Carolina. In case you weren't aware, you are a very negative person passing on your bitterness to your children because of your struggles:

What happens in that nation is that people do become isolated, they do live in a level of division, because see when you’re that busy struggling all the time, which most people that you know and I know are, see you don’t have time to get to know your neighbors, you don’t have time to reach out and have conversations to share stories, in fact you feel very alone in your struggle because you feel somehow it must be your fault that you’re struggling that hard, everybody else must be doing ok, I must be doing something wrong, so you hide…What happens in that kind of nation is that people are afraid. Because when your world’s not right no matter how hard you work, then you become afraid of everyone and everything, because you don’t know whose fault it is, why you can’t get a handle on life, why you can’t secure a better future for your kids.

Not exactly Reagan optimism. Very odd for the wife of the self-proclaimed candidate of hope.

Byron York has another, even more bothersome, perspective on angry Michelle.