
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Monday, July 28, 2008

Democrat Congress Produces Record Budget Deficit

Since the Democrat Congress won control in 2006, they have completely reversed the gains of reduced budget deficits. Next year is expecting a record $482 billion budget deficit.

Yes, I understand the AP calls it "Bush's" budget deficit, but let's not forget that the Democrat-proposed stimulus package accounted for one-third of this amount. (And this doesn't take into account the new housing bailout that they proposed.) Second, let's not forget that the Democrats have been hoping for, even stoking, recession fears to help them win the election this fall. If a recession does actually happen, it will be largely due to soaring gas prices, which everyone now knows have been promoted by the environmentalists for years - and Democrats still refuse to allow a vote in increased drilling.

Obama thinks that we need another useless, expensive, non-stimulating "stimulus package." He clearly doesn't understand economic growth and he doesn't care about deficits. Oh, and of course, people who don't pay any taxes will be the ones who get the "rebates."