
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama Defends: It was ACORN who was Defrauded!

Barack Obama, without knowing any of the facts (actually, he probably knows all the facts) defended ACORN's tactics:

"My understanding in terms of the voter fraud — because having run a voter registration drive, I know how problems arise — this is typically a situation where ACORN probably paid people to get registrations, and these folks, not wanting to actually register people because that’s actually hard work, just went into a phone book or made up names and submitted false registrations to get paid,” he said.

“So there’s been fraud perpetrated probably on ACORN, if they paid these individuals and they actually didn’t do registrations, but this isn’t a situation where there’s actually people who are going to try to vote, ‘cause these are phony names, and it’s doubtful Tony Romo is gonna show up in Ohio to vote, so this is another one of these distractions that gets stirred up in the course of a campaign."

So according to Obama, it is actually ACORN who has been defrauded. No big deal. Funny that he knows so much about voter fraud despite not having asked a single question or done any investigation. Hmm....