
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Michelle Obama, Sotomayor Still Have Chips on Shoulders

Michelle gave a speech at a Washington area charter school and showed that she and Sotomayor still have serious chips on their shoulders.

When she arrived at Princeton as a freshman -- and this was nine years before I would even think about going -- she said when she stepped on that campus, she said -- and this is a quote -- she said she felt like 'a visitor landing in an alien country.' (Laughter.) And she said she never raised her hand her first year because -- and this is a quote -- she 'was too embarrassed and too intimidated to ask questions.'

So despite all of her success at Princeton -- and then she went on to Yale Law School where she was at the top of her class, in both schools -- and despite all of her professional accomplishments, Judge Sotomayor says she still looks over her shoulder and wonders if she measures up. And when

I read her story, I understood exactly how she feels.

Excuse me, but if you went to Harvard, Princeton and are now the first lady of the U.S. and you still have this festering anger toward your country, there is something wrong with you. Perhaps if she felt that others believed her to be less qualified, it's because of affirmative action in the country, which does indeed provide entitlements to people solely on the basis of race or sex.