
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Limbaugh Blackballed From Buying Rams

Rush Limbaugh has been blackballed from participating in purchasing the St. Louis Rams, as the group succumbed to the NFL's pressure, brought on in part from those post-racial uniters, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. The NFL can obviously choose who it wants as owners, but the MLB doesn't have the same level of scrutiny, as it allowed perhaps the most unAmerican, radical newspaper in the country (NYTimes) and a radical Leftist (Ted Turner) to become owners of baseball teams.

Limbaugh is right that this isn't really about him, but is really an effort to discredit conservatism, as Rush is the most noteworthy spokesman for conservatism and by blackballing Limbaugh as too radical, it means his 20 million listeners are basically radical racists. Obama must be smiling proudly.