
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Obama Must Be Proud of Ortega

Nicaraguan president Ortega seems to have taken his cue from Obama's persistence that Honduran former president and wannabe strongman be returned to power despite trying to take over his country's constitution. Ortega's constitutionally mandated term expiration is in 2011, so he asked the Sandanista-run Supreme Court to change the rules to make him their Chavez - ie. president for life.

Last week the court's constitutional panel obliged him. The Nicaraguan press reported that the vote was held before three opposition judges could reach the chamber in time for the session. Three alternative judges, all Sandinistas, took their place and the court gave Mr. Ortega the green light. Mr. Ortega has decreed that the ruling cannot be appealed.

Not a single word from Obama defending democracy. Obama must be so proud of his little red comrades, succeeding in Marxist revolutionary rule.