
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Liberals Getting Absolutely Crushed in VA

Bob McDonnell wins. As of now, he is up by 26%. Even though I expect that number to shrink, keep in mind that Obama won VA by 6% just last year, so even a 15% margin of victory would be huge...and that number is looking conservative as of now.

Liberalism was defeated handily tonight. Conservatism won. I guess people don't want the government to control every aspect of their lives after all. The media will be shocked.

McDonnell appears to win by 20 points. To put this victory in context, VA's last two governors, Kaine and Warner, were media darlings and always described as "popular governors," won by 5-6% each. This is nothing short of a good old fashioned, butt-whooping...of Deeds, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

Watching the cable news networks try to make sense of this loss is hilarious. One of the CNN commentators was at pains to point out that Americans really love Obama but they're upset that Obamacare hasn't passed yet. If this is really what Dems take from this blowout, the GOP will win in a landslide in 2010.