
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Who is Sean Bielat? Barney Frank knows.

He's Barney Frank's most likely challenger in MA's 4th district, that's who. He's an ex-Marine, and ex-Democrat, and I like what he stands for. If you check out his website, you'll see what I mean:

On Deficit Reduction: he favors not just generic budget cuts, but entitlement reform - meaning medicare, medicaid and social security. This needs to happen.

On Taxes: I favor a tax code where an individual pays no income tax on earnings up to the poverty line and pays only a relatively low flat tax above that level.

On Barney Frank: In the town hall meetings, he craps all over his constituents... He's just rude.

This guy may be the one to take down Barney Frank after nearly 30 years. Let's hope so.