
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Navy SEALs Slam Obama For Taking Credit For Osama

If you listen to Obama, he did something no one else in the world would have done.  He gave the final ok to kill Bin Laden.  Whoa - what guts!  The Navy SEALs are now pissed off at Obama for using them as part of an election campaign. Chris Kyle, a former SEAL with 160 confirmed kills, said the following:

‘In years to come there is going to be information that will come out that Obama was not the man who made the call. He can say he did and the people who really know what happened are inside the Pentagon, are in the military and the military isn’t allowed to speak out against the commander- in-chief so his secret is safe.’

Another intelligence official said the following:

In the end, Obama was forced to make a decision and do it. He knew that if he didn’t do it the political risks in not taking action were huge. Mitt Romney would have made the call but he would have made it earlier – as would George W. Bush.

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