
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Governor Warner and his Newest Tax Increase

Just when you thought that Governor Warner (D-VA) was finished raising taxes against his earlier pledge not to do so, he has found another tax to raise (surprise).

Despite admitting that Virginia’s record $1.6 billion tax increase in 2004 was unnecessary due to the recovering economy – and despite not knowing how to spend the surplus funds – Governor Warner has the nerve to institute another tax increase. He plans on increasing the toll on Route 267 by approximately 67% (50% increase for the on-ramps and 100% increase for the off-ramps).

If this is what happens when a state legislature is controlled by Republicans (and led by a lying Democrat), then we might as well have the Democrats in control. President Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress should take note when Virginians vote the Republican legislature out of office (fortunately Gov. Warner cannot run again).

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