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Friday, March 25, 2005

Bainbridge Slams Sullivan

I have an increased admiration for Professor Bainbridge after reading his recent post on the continuing faux conservatism of Andrew Sullivan.

Sullivan claims that "... religious zealotry cannot be incorporated into conservatism. It is the nemesis of conservatism. And it has to be purged in order for conservatism to be revived."

Bainbridge reponds:

I'm not sure a journalist who's British, gay, and a dissident Catholic, and who supported John Kerry in the last election would be our first choice (or 100th) as a go-to-guy on defining the proper bounds and content of American conservatism...I suspect that what Sullivan really thinks is that there should be no room in conservatism for anybody who doesn't practice Sullivan's unique brand of cafeteria Christianity.

Bravo, Prof. This is dead-on. Sullivan, once an independent conservative-minded viewpoint, has become a talking head for the Chris Matthews-Keith Olbermann wing of the liberal media and his varied stances on Iraq make him a good spokesman for John Kerry. He buys into the "Cheney-Rumsfeld are evil" crowd and believes that anyone who opposes gay marriage is a bigot. That's perfectly fine - so long as he doesn't continue to parade himself as a "conservative." The only places he would be considered conservative are on Berkeley's campus or in Air America's radio studio. It's been a while since I've read Andrew's column regularly because I can get the same "conservative" message from turning on Hardball or CNN.

It appears that Glenn Reynolds doesn't like his views being misrepresented by Sullivan either.