
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Frist Has the 50 Votes for Ending Filibuster

Ramesh Ponnuru at NRO's Corner says that Sen. Frist has the 50 votes needed to end the Democratic filibuster on judicial nominees. Ponnuru also adds,

And if Michael Crowley's reporting in the New Republic is correct--and I have no reason to think it isn't--the Democrats have no idea what to do about it. Senate Democrats have vowed to shut down the Senate if Republicans end judicial filibusters. But the Democrats don't want to be accused of shutting down the government or hindering national security, there aren't many Republican agenda items that they can block any more effectively than they already are blocking them, and Democrats want to get pork passed just as much as Republicans do.

I really don't care much if the Senate gets shut down anymore. I once had high hopes that the Senate could pass some useful tax reform, spending cuts and Social Security reform, but many GOPers now seem to be spineless jellyfish who no longer care about these issues. So I say, "let the Dems shut her down - last one out, please shut off the lights."