
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I'd Love to See What's in this Report

According to the NY Daily News, Senate Democrats are trying to kill a ten-year legal investigation that implicates several Clinton Administration officials for obstruction of justice.

The Democrats, saying that the $21 million investigation by Independent Counsel David Barrett should have ended long ago, succeeded in attaching an amendment to a spending bill Tuesday to cut off his funding by June 1.

But two sources close to the investigation said that if the legislation becomes law, it will thwart Barrett from making public a final report that names senior officials in the Clinton Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service who allegedly buried a tax fraud case involving former cabinet member Henry Cisneros.

The report will allege that Justice Department officials snuffed out a tax case against Cisneros and that the IRS sometimes audited Clinton critics without good cause.

All I know is that if Democrats are trying this hard to kill the report before it comes out in June, there's got to be some damning information in it.