
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, April 07, 2005

More Global Warming Nonsense

(Hat tip to Market Center Blog for the link.) Contrary to the Kyoto signatories' beliefs (and the Moonbats in the U.S.), glacier movements are not evidence of climate change.

This is one of those repeating news stories, like "Strife in Haiti" or "Irish unrest." It goes like this. "The (glaciers, polar bears, butterflies) of (anywhere) are in dramatic decline because of global warming. Unless the (U.S., U.S., U.S.) signs on to the Kyoto Protocol, their continued decline is assured."

The IPCC has June-August temperatures for the Gangotri region [Indian Hamalayans] back [to] 1875. The net decline in temperature over the last 130 years is striking. In fact, at 1.2 degrees (F), it is one of the largest summer coolings on Earth. That's right: cooling. In contrast, the temperature for the Northern Hemisphere as a whole increased 0.8 degrees during the same period.

Incidentally, the Northern Hemisphere's largest ice mass -- the Greenland icecap -- is in retreat in the southern part of the island, where temperatures also show a substantial net cooling for the last 75 years.