
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Bush vs. Bush on Social Security

Say it ain't so, President Bush. If President Bush is truly pushing for Social Security "reform" without any provision for private accounts as this article suggests, he will hand the Democrats another significant victory.

A Social Security "reform" bill without private accounts means higher taxes and lower benefits...and we still throw money down a sinkhole with no way to generate real returns for workers. This is the Democrat plan for everything, and sadly, President Bush seems close to adopting it.

I know it's not a done deal yet, but what a fiasco. I hope the GOP members in the House kill the bill entirely. Bush should just stand by his plan and let the public decide who is obstructing. Instead, he's snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Blogs for Bush writes that the AP wrote a misleading headline and that the White House is not backing off of personal accounts. All I can say is shame on me; I should know better by now than to believe anything the MSM has to say about Bush policies.