
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Durbin's Half-a$$ed Apology

Red State does a great job of covering the something-of-an-apology by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) for comparing the U.S. military to genocidal killers.

Today Rush Limbaugh had a fascinating flashback to Trent Lott's "insensitive" statements at Strom Thurmond's birthday celebration, which forced Lott to apologize five times and resign his leadership position. The bottom line is that 1) nearly every media outlet had the Lott comments on the front page for a week; 2) Every Democratic leader demanded an apology; and 3) When Lott apologized five times, Democrats refused to accept his apology and forced Lott's resignation.

The most interesting quotes from the Democratic leadership said that "if a Democrat said something this insensitive, we would call on that person to resign."

Let's see if that happens to Durbin...(don't hold your breath).