
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bill Clinton Complains About Unfair Media Coverage

While speaking to Campus Progress, a liberal student group, complained that Democrats were "boxed in" on the abortion debate and face a double standard from the media.

"So for example, if you're a Democrat and you have sort of normal impulses, you're a sellout, like when Hillary said abortion is a tragedy for virtually everybody who undergoes it, we ought to do all we can to reduce abortion," Clinton said.

"All of a sudden," he continued, the media began asking, "'Is she selling out? Is she abandoning her principles?' But if John McCain, who's pro-life, works with Hillary on global warming, he's a man of principle moving to the middle.'"

For a man so politically astute, Bill doesn't get it. The liberal media might claim (though I still haven't heard it) that Hillary is "selling out" and that McCain is a "man of prinicple," but that's because the media loves it when politicians move towards their own leftist viewpoints. The rest of America, however, view such a move by Hillary towards the center as the ruse that it really is. And if Bill bothered to ask conservatives, he would hear them tell the truth about McCain - he is indeed a sellout on many issues.

Quit your complaining Bill - you are the last person who has the right to complain about unfair media coverage.

{Link to Mudville Gazette's Open Post}