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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Surprise! NY Times Supports Anti-Americans

I typically don't read NY Times editorials any more than I read tabloids at the checkout line. But this morning's editorial was particularly loathsome (thanks to Pat for the link). the past few weeks, we've watched a handful of vocal family members, who may not represent a majority of 9/11 families, change the dynamic at the World Trade Center site for the worse. They have begun a movement to "take back the memorial," which means, in essence, eventually purging ground zero of its cultural partners, including the International Freedom Center.

Translation: These families don't deserve as much a voice as those who believe America is the problem. We need to show the world that we can bash and blame America as well as the rest of the world.

Mr. Pataki's job is to represent all those deeply interested parties. By attempting to appease one small, vocal group of protesters who are unlikely to be appeased anyway, he is abrogating the rights of everyone else. And he runs the risk of turning ground zero into a place where we bury the freedoms that define this nation.

The NY Times is so far out of touch with the rest of America that it believes only a tiny portion of Americans think that a memorial should honor the dead and not be turned into an anti-Bush, anti-American political statement. Bizblogger is far more representative of the American opinion than anything the Times writes these days.