
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Kosovo: A Case Study in UN Ineptitude

After five years of UN control and billions of dollars in aid, Kosovo is mired in a mess of corruption, killing and lawlessness in a land controlled largely by Muslim Albanians. Thomas Gambill, former security chief with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), is telling the world what conservatives in the U.S. have known for years: that the UN is a useless waste of an organization that has a reverse Midas touch.

That's right - the region whose conflict Wesley Clark confidently declared as one in which the "model war" was fought, is in shambles. While Iraq is no walk in the park, it is painfully clear that there is zero chance that the UN can fix the quagmire that is Kosovo. The Clinton administration's model war has failed miserably and the media couldn't care less.