
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Our Fallen Soldiers has an interesting analysis of US military deaths under the last four US presidents, during their first term in office. Here's what he comes up with:

George W. Bush . . . . . 5187 (2001-2004)
Bill Clinton . . . . . . . . . 4302 (1993-1996)
George H.W. Bush . . . . 6223 (1989-1992)
Ronald Reagan . . . . . . 9163 (1981-1984)

Carter lost more military people in 1980 than GW has lost in any one year.

I believe all of these military deaths should be honored, and I hope they are. At the same time, I sense that the MSM, in counting the number of deaths on a daily basis in Iraq, is not trying to honor our fallen best.