
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Bush Emphasizes Tax Cuts

President Bush's radio address (finally) focused on the extension of tax cuts that are set to expire in 2008.

Since 2001, the tax relief we delivered has left $880 billion in the hands of American workers, and small businesses, and families like yours, and you used that money to help produce more than four years of uninterrupted economic growth. Last year, our economy grew at a healthy 3.5 percent, faster than any other major industrialized nation...

The evidence is overwhelming: The opponents of tax cuts were wrong. Tax relief has helped to create jobs and opportunities for American families, and it's helped our economy grow.

The one thing Bush did not mention was that despite reducing tax rates, government revenue has actually increased dramatically. He obviously didn't want to emphasize the reckless government spending that Congress has been advocating. Still, this speech was a good start to get the issue back on the table and in the forefront before the 2006 elections.