
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, May 11, 2006

More NSA B.S.

You probably don't want to watch the news these days, as it's all about the "secret NSA programs." Well, they used to be secret anyway. The latest rhetorical uproar on Capitol Hill is rather ridiculous. The program apparently started in 1999 (guess who was president then), whereby the NSA would collect which phone numbers called which numbers, and use supercomputers to recognize patterns of people trying to contact Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. The NSA used algorithms to help track terrorists. Of course, we don't know the extent of the security program and we probably won't - unless Mary McCarthy starts working for the NSA.

Michelle Malkin has a good post on all of the windbags on the Hill. Mark Levin sums it up best:

Is not life the most important of civil liberties? These intelligence programs are trashed without any curiosity as to whether they've prevented any attacks and saved any lives. The hostile responses are largely knee-jerk and lack any kind of context.

And the USA Today was on a roll today. They also wrote an idiotic editorial supporting Johnny Taliban at Yale, implying that Johnny is a Muslim "friendly to U.S. interests." What nonsense.