
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, June 26, 2008

North Korea's Nuclear Declaration

North Korea today handed over a "list of all" of their nuclear facilities to China in an effort to get the U.S. to lift sanctions against the country. Condi Rice in the WSJ this morning said the U.S. strategy is working and noted the following:

North Korea now faces a clear choice about its future. If it chooses confrontation – violating international law, pursuing nuclear weapons, and threatening the region – it will face serious consequences not only from the United States, but also from Japan, South Korea, China and Russia, as it did in 2006 after testing a nuclear device.

Excuse me if I don't buy it. This has been tried over and over again since Madeline Albright toasted champaign with the Dear Leader in the 90's and it hasn't worked. And judging by how the world dealt with Iran and North Korea over the past decade, I don't think either of those countries are buying it either.