
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama's Parent Company Loses Money!

Bertelsmann Ag is the parent company of Random House, which employs Barack Obama for his books. The company paid Mr. Obama $2.5 million in book royalties last year - this is well documented. It's also well documented that Mr. Obama wants to limit salaries of wealthy bankers, because he deems it unfair that these guys make big salaries while their companies are losing money. Well what about his company?

UPDATE: Bertelsmann reported their first quarter earnings yesterday and they reported a loss of $78 million. Wow! It was not reported how much Random House may have lost during the quarter, but Random House was the weakest of all Bertelsmann's divisions last year.

Key question then: Will Obama return his salary? Or shouldn't his salary at least be limited (by his own reasoning at least?) Wouldn't this $2.5 million be considered excessive especially when his company is losing money and will probably be laying off workers? Of course I understand that Obama has sold books and thus the royalties, but can't we say the same for many bankers - many have great performance but were singled out by Obama because their trading desks suffered.

A little bit hypocritical? You decide.