
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

First Baby Keeps Blaming Bush For Economy

When will the First Baby in the White House finally take responsibility for his destruction of the U.S. economy? He continues to find new ways to explain that it's not his fault:

"They basically handed me a bill for $1.3 trillion and said, 'Here, fix it,'" insisted the president last week at a Town Hall Meeting in Bristol, VA. "And now they're on TV saying, why haven't you fixed it yet -- in the middle of the greatest recession since the Great Depression."

Obama must have forgotten that he was the one who signed the $900 billion boondoggle bill in February that worsened the economy. Unbelievably, he has the audacity to suggest he is a deficit hawk:

"Look, I understand the concern about debt," Mr. Obama said Thursday in Raleigh, N.C. "I'm looking at these spreadsheets every day. We dug ourselves a deep hole." And he concedes that the recovery package enacted on his watch has added to the problem.

"We're going to have to tighten our belt," he said. But he was quick to add that it cannot be done "just as the economy is coming out of recession. No economist would recommend that."

It's getting tiresome to keep repeating that Obama is nothing but a liar, but unfortunately that's the truth - and the media are still too stupid to report it.