
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Friday, August 14, 2009

Unions to Get $10 Billion If Obamacare Passes

Obama already said that unions are exempt from Obamacare changes. So why are they fighting so hard to get it passed - spending millions of dollars and sending thugs to hundreds of townhall events. As RWN points out, the union has a huge potential windfall at stake:

The answer to that question appears in the House bill on page 65, section 164 where unions are to receive a $10 billion dollar infusion of taxpayer's money to supplement their failing plans through a program called the "reinsurance plan."

In his open letter, Sweeney said that one of the union's goals was to seek "relief for company/union funds providing pre-Medicare retiree coverage." This would be people that retired from the unions before they are eligible for Medicare. In other words, the union is looking for federal funds to relieve expenditures from his over extended pension plans.

So they spend $15 million today for $10 billion when the bill passes. Even the best Wall Street traders can't get that kind of return.