
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

O'Donnell Closing in on Victory in Delaware

We kept hearing that she didn't have a chance - even up until this past weekend. Now conservative DE Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is about to win pretty big in the primary - she's up 9 points with 65% of precincts reporting.

"Polls" claim that O'Donnell cannot win the general election in November and RINO candidate Mike Castle was a near guarantee to win for Republicans.

Big deal. First, I don't buy that O'Donnell can't win the general. There are plenty of angry voters in DE who know that Obamanomics does not work, just as they did in Massachusetts. But let's say it's true that O'Donnell loses the general election. We've already heard that we needed Specter in Pennsylvania, Chafee in Rhode Island, Crist in Florida and on and on. If Republicans had one extra Senator in Castle who votes with Democrats 3/4 of the time, what good is it?

If anything, it only increases the chances that
bad laws get passed because the GOP will compromise with Democrats on bad ideas. We have enough Olympia Snowes, Scott Browns and Susan Collins' as it is. We don't need another to pass bad laws and then have the GOP take the blame when the laws are a mess. We need the "hell no's" and those who understand every law passed since Jan. 20, 2009 must be repealed. We've tried compromising with liberalism and it does not work.

O'Donnell is well worth the gamble in my opinion.

O'Donnell wins. Will Castle now support the Republican winner or pull a Crist/Specter/Chafee/Scozzafava and turn Democrat or Independent? Let's see how much of a Republican he claims to be...