
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Drilling in ANWR - Finally?

Over the past several years, the Senate has stymied Bush efforts to pass an energy plan that includes allowing oil development on a 1.5 million-acre coastal strip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because Republicans have been unable to muster the 60 votes needed to overcome a Democratic-led filibuster.

However, a maneuver to avoid a filibuster is now being pursued that will likely be implemented in the next few weeks. Budget Committee Chairman Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) said Tuesday it was reasonable to assume ANWR would be part of the budget measure, which is not subject to filibuster. A small group of senators and key administration officials are flying to Alaska's North Slope this weekend to try to reinforce their argument that the refuge can be developed in an environmentally sound way, using modern drilling technology.

This is the perfect time for such a measure. In a time of record high oil prices, I believe Americans will understand that reducing America’s reliance on importing its petroleum needs is good for them too. So just be ready to ignore the inevitable far-left howls that Bush is pandering to big oil companies - they will be coming soon.