
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Even Jon Stewart is Starting to Believe

Polipundit is right - which is why it's one of the must-read conservative blogs out there. Back in December 2003, he urged President Bush to hold elections in Iraq before the U.S. elections. The results, he argued, would nearly ensure a Bush re-election.

And think of the spectacle! All the world’s TV cameras would cover Iraqis voting in the first free elections in the Arab world. Neighboring Iranians would hanker for some real democracy of their own. The new Iraqi government would have legitimacy, having been elected by the people, and the “resistance’s” claims would ring increasingly hollow. President Bush could refer, in his Republican National Convention speech, to the first free elections in Arab history. He could make a very direct link between liberating Iraq and winning the War on Terror by bringing freedom and democracy to the middle-east.

He even has an interview transcript of Jon Stewart (The Daily Show), who appears willing to believe in the Bush strategy.