
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Hanoi Jane on 60 Minutes

I'm not sure what compelled me to sit and watch a 60 Minutes segment on Jane Fonda, but I was curious if she was truly contrite for the betrayal of her country and her actions in Vietnam. After seeing the program, I think her interview was a pathetic attempt to feign regret for her actions in an effort to sell copies of her upcoming book.

Unfortunately, the only action she claimed she would have handled differently was visiting a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun site. Did she regret being used as propaganda when she met with POWs? No. Did she regret speaking on Communist radio to American pilots who were "killing women and children?" No. Did she regret any other action? No.

She is also a pathetic math student - she responded to one of Leslie Stahl's questions that she didn't regret going to North Vietnam to protest because she already had been "telling Nixon to stop the war for eight years." Sorry Jane, but Nixon was only in office for 6 years.

On another note, Andy Rooney was his typical idiot self in speaking about the Pope: the Pope makes Catholics feel "comfortable about the existence of God." It's not a wonder that God decided to take John Paul II and leave us with Andy Rooney.

Blackfive didn't buy Jane's publicity stunt for a minute. He also says that U.S. soldiers around the world still have a useful purpose for her - urinal photos.