
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Monday, April 18, 2005

Mugabe Tells Europe, America to Butt Out

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, celebrated his 25 years of "independence" by telling Europeans and Americans to "leave Zimbabwe alone."
"Our elections have not needed Anglo-American validation. They are validated by fellow Africans, and friendly countries from the Third World," Mugabe told thousands gathered at a sports stadium for the independence celebrations.

"That is where we get justice, not from Europe neither indeed from America. We never agitate to observe their elections and therefore let them keep away from our affairs," Mugabe said.

As Austin Bay points out, if independence implies stealing elections, ethnic cleansing and confiscating property, then Mugabe has truly brought independence to Zimbabwe. One of the obvious signs of all thug dictators (Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, Milsosevic, Castro, Chavez) is to tell other countries to keep out of their affairs.