
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

DeLay Not Lying Down

Unlike many high profile individuals who prefer to remain silent (and take their punishment lying down) after being indicted, Tom DeLay has chosen to appear on television and fire back at Democratic prosecutor Ronnie Earle. On Hannity & Colmes tonight, DeLay repeated the facts about the overzealous, overly partisan Earle. Byron York has a great article at National Review about a few of Earle's previous "dropped charges" after cash donations were given to his favorite organizations.

It's refreshing to hear someone with guts like DeLay who won't allow himself to be tried by the media, who have already spent the past year informally convicting him. I don't know if DeLay's tactic will work out legally for him, but I like it. It's too bad that someone doesn't call out Elliot Spitzer on the air for the same underhanded political tactics.