
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Monday, April 03, 2006

Pressure On Jaafari to Step Down

Jalal al-Deen al-Saghir, a confident of Ayatollah Sistani's in Iraq, has called on Iraqi PM Jaafari to step down. As Bill Roggio points out,

It is clear Sistani has jettisoned support for Jaafari, which all but spells the end of Jaafari's bid to lead the new government and Sadr's influence with Jaafari. Sadr has overreached with his threats against SCIRI's Abd al-Aziz al-Hakim and members of the UIA, as well as the actions of his Mahdi Army militia, and will pay a harsh political price for his actions.

I give him another week or two and, if no government is established, he will step down.