
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"Culture of Corruption" at Fannie Mae

If Enron's Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling spend the rest of their lives in jail, then perhaps the management of Fannie Mae should as well. Oh, and two key figures at the top of Fannie's management were former Clintonistas Franklin Raines (who likely would have been Treasury Secretary in a Kerry Administration) and Jamie Gorelick (of 9/11 Commission fame).

As The American Thinker points out from WaPo's reporting,

Fannie Mae engaged in “extensive financial fraud” over six years by doctoring earnings so executives could collect hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses, federal officials said yesterday in a report that portrayed a company determined to play by its own rules.

Regulators at the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, in announcing a settlement with Fannie Mae that includes $400 million in penalties, provided the most detailed picture yet of what went wrong at the congressionally chartered firm.

Some of the latest info is news to me, probably because the MSM has never mentioned Gorelick or Clinton with Fannie Mae's fraud. The Astute Blogger has more. Where's the outrage from the anti-business crowd (Democrats)? Hillary? Ted? Nancy? Harry? Anyone?