
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Clinton Administration Assails 'Path to 9/11'

ABC's new miniseries "Path to 9/11" has enfuriated many Clinton administration officials, who are not portrayed as softly and innocently as they were by the 9/11 Comission.

This shows how much of a sham the 9/11 Commission really was, particularly with Clinton's No. 2 DOJ official serving as member (Jamie Gorelick). And even if the mini-series dramatizes certain events, I don't recall the same level of uproar from folks when Michael Moore made his crockumentary film about 9/11.

I thought the debate-loving Democrats always insist on seeing both sides of a story? I'd say it's about time we see the true side to what happened during the Clinton Administration regarding terror.

It appears that ABC is caving and will do some editing for the Democrats, after veiled threats of potential FCC action and other punitive actions. Nevermind Michael Moore's film; perhaps we should revisit every movie ever made that was "based on a true story," but differed from actual events. Just think what the reaction would be if President Bush asked a movie studio to adjust its movie - wouldn't the media lash out calling him a Nazi dictator?